Barn Owl Boxing So, it seems that there is no bad time to put up a barn owl nest box. Something...
A frog blog 😉
18 Feb, 2021 | Blog, Our Space, Wildlife
Spring has sprung! We all have our cues for the changing of the seasons. Cues for Spring are...
The making of ‘Pure Stuff’ cider
6 Feb, 2021 | Blog, Lifestyle, Our Space
🍏 Pure Stuff 🍏 came from the Purecamping orchard in the haggart by way of the few apples that the...
How do I feel about shooting in 2021? – An update added to the end 🙂
17 Jan, 2021 | Blog, Our Space, Wildlife
A tough question in some ways, as it asks me to comment on the pastimes of some of my close...
A busy day in October
So, a busy day it was on the 22nd October... a water rail during the day, a special performance by...
Staying healthy through the winter months
7 Dec, 2020 | Lifestyle
What can we do to make sure we stay healthy through the winter months? We hope that you are...
Is Nose breathing good for you?
5 Dec, 2020 | Yoga
Yes! Nose breathing is much better for you then mouth breathing. It filters the air getting rid of...
The best way to start a Meditation practice
7 Nov, 2020 | Yoga
1. Figure out why you want to meditate Do the benefits of your practice have a positive effect on...
Why Meditation is good for you
30 Oct, 2020 | Yoga
These are just a few things that come to mind but I'll keep adding to this list. What would you...
How does Yogic breathing help you?
30 Oct, 2020 | Yoga
Facts of breathing: We breathe 15 times a minute, 21600 times per day. The average relaxed person...